Is AMD GPU Good for Deep Learning?

Is AMD GPU Good for Deep learning (1)
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Is AMD GPU good for deep learning? While having a chat at the coffee bar, my younger brother asks me this question out of the blue. Even though I love to stay close to the hardware, especially GPU, I didn’t have enough idea about deep learning.

Actually, my brother is planning to work on deep learning and I saw a true interest in him. And that made me interested too. So, I call a friend who has years long experience in deep learning and ask him to help my brother.

Do you know, even if I used a lot of GPUs from AMD, I never knew this much before? From my friend, I have learned whether AMD is a good choice for deep learning at all. And here I am to share what I discovered recently. Well, first, get introduced to the fact, of deep learning fast.

What Is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on algorithms and models inspired by the structure and function of the human brain’s neural networks. 

It involves training artificial neural networks on large amounts of data to perform tasks that traditionally required human intelligence.

At the core of deep learning are neural networks, which are composed of interconnected nodes or “neurons” that process and transmit information. 

These networks have multiple layers, and the term “deep” in deep learning refers to the use of multiple hidden layers between the input and output layers of the network.

Deep Learning

The process of deep learning involves the following key components:


Deep learning models require substantial amounts of data to learn patterns and relationships. This data is used for both training and validation.

Neural Networks

Neural networks consist of layers of interconnected nodes, each layer performing certain computations on the data. Input data is fed into the network, and through a process called forward propagation, it produces an output.


During training, the neural network adjusts its internal parameters (weights and biases) to minimize the difference between its predictions and the actual target values in the training data. This process involves calculating a loss function that measures the prediction error.


Backpropagation is the process of computing gradients of the loss function with respect to the network’s parameters. These gradients indicate how much each parameter should be adjusted to reduce the prediction error.


Optimization algorithms, like stochastic gradient descent (SGD), are used to update the network’s parameters based on the calculated gradients. The goal is to gradually minimize the loss function and improve the model’s performance on the training data.

Validation and Testing

After training, the model’s performance is evaluated on separate validation and testing datasets to ensure that it can generalize well to new, unseen data.

Deep learning has shown remarkable success in various tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, autonomous driving, medical diagnosis, and more. 

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are commonly used for image-related tasks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for sequences, and Transformers for natural language processing. 

These architectures, along with advancements in hardware (such as GPUs and TPUs) and software frameworks (like TensorFlow and PyTorch), have contributed to the rapid growth and adoption of deep learning in diverse industries.


Does GPU Performance Matter in Deep Learning? 

Whether AMD GPU is good for deep leaning or not, the first thing you should learn is whether GPU matters in deep leaning or not.

Yes, GPU performance plays a significant role in deep learning. The performance of the GPU directly impacts the speed and efficiency of training deep learning models. Here’s why GPU performance matters in deep learning:

Faster Training

Deep learning models involve complex mathematical operations, such as matrix multiplications, convolutions, and gradient calculations. GPUs are optimized for parallel processing, allowing them to perform these operations much faster than CPUs. This results in quicker model training times.

Larger Datasets and Models

Deep learning models often require processing large datasets and have numerous parameters. A high-performance GPU with ample memory (VRAM) can handle larger datasets and more complex models, allowing you to train deeper and more sophisticated architectures.

Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameter tuning involves training multiple instances of a model with varying hyperparameters to find the optimal configuration. Faster training due to a high-performance GPU allows you to explore a wider range of hyperparameter values in less time.

Experiment Iteration

Deep learning involves a lot of experimentation. Researchers and practitioners often iterate through different model architectures, loss functions, and optimization techniques. Faster training with a powerful GPU enables quicker experimentation, accelerating the development process.

Model Complexity

As deep learning models become more complex and deeper (with more layers), the training time increases. A powerful GPU can significantly reduce the training time for such models.

Real-Time Applications

In applications like real-time object detection or autonomous vehicles, low latency is crucial. A high-performance GPU can ensure that your trained models can make predictions in real time without significant delays.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning involves fine-tuning pre-trained models on new tasks or datasets. A powerful GPU allows you to complete the fine-tuning process more quickly.

Research Productivity

Researchers working on cutting-edge deep learning projects benefit from faster GPU performance. It allows them to explore more ideas, test hypotheses, and iterate through experiments more efficiently.

Competitive Edge

In fields like machine learning research or AI competitions, having access to better hardware can provide a competitive advantage by enabling faster experimentation and better results.

While GPU performance is essential, it’s also important to note that choosing the right GPU involves considering other factors like memory, software compatibility, and budget. 

Ultimately, the balance between GPU performance and these other considerations will depend on your specific needs and goals in the realm of deep learning.


How to Choose the Right GPU for Deep Learning?

Choosing the right GPU for deep learning depends on several factors that are crucial for efficient and effective model training. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting a GPU for deep learning:


Look for GPUs with high computing power and memory bandwidth. The more powerful the GPU, the faster your training will be. Consider GPUs with a high number of CUDA cores (for NVIDIA GPUs) or stream processors (for AMD GPUs).

Memory (VRAM)

Deep learning models can be memory-intensive, especially when working with large datasets or complex architectures. Choose a GPU with sufficient VRAM (video memory) to accommodate your dataset and model. Running out of memory can lead to training errors.

Tensor Cores (for NVIDIA GPUs)

If you’re using NVIDIA GPUs, consider GPUs that feature Tensor Cores. These specialized hardware units accelerate certain mathematical operations commonly used in deep learning, leading to faster training times.

Support for Deep Learning Frameworks

Ensure that the GPU is well-supported by popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras. Compatibility with these frameworks can simplify development and integration.

Driver and Software Support

Regular driver updates and strong software support are crucial for optimal performance and compatibility. Check the GPU manufacturer’s website for driver availability and compatibility with your chosen deep-learning frameworks.

Multi-GPU Scalability

If your budget and workload permit, you might consider using multiple GPUs in parallel (GPU scaling) to accelerate training. Some deep learning frameworks and libraries offer good support for multi-GPU training.

Cooling and Power Consumption

Deep learning workloads can put a heavy load on GPUs, leading to increased power consumption and heat generation. Make sure your system has adequate cooling and a power supply that can handle the GPU’s power requirements.


High-end GPUs can be expensive. Consider your budget constraints and balance performance requirements with cost considerations. Sometimes, a mid-range GPU might offer a good balance between price and performance.

Future Proofing

Deep learning models and datasets tend to become more complex over time. While you don’t need the absolute top-of-the-line GPU, it’s wise to invest in a GPU that will remain relevant for a few years.

Community Feedback and Reviews

Look for reviews, benchmarks, and discussions in deep learning communities. These can provide insights into real-world performance and user experiences.

Vendor Choice

The two major GPU vendors are NVIDIA and AMD. Both have GPUs suitable for deep learning, but NVIDIA historically has had a stronger presence in this domain due to its optimized deep learning software stack.

Remember that the field of deep learning is constantly evolving, and new GPU models may be released with improved features and performance. It’s a good idea to stay updated on the latest developments and compare different options based on your specific requirements and budget.


Best AMD GPU for Deep Learning: AMD Radeon VII

AMD Radeon VII is considered a viable option for deep learning tasks, but it wasn’t as commonly used as NVIDIA GPUs for this purpose. Here are some considerations regarding the AMD Radeon VII for deep learning:

AMD Radeon VII


High Memory

The Radeon VII features 16GB of HBM2 memory, which is suitable for many deep learning tasks, especially those that involve medium-sized datasets and models.

Parallel Processing

Like other modern GPUs, the Radeon VII is capable of parallel processing, making it suitable for accelerating deep learning computations.

OpenCL and ROCm

The Radeon VII supports OpenCL and ROCm (Radeon Open Compute), which are AMD’s GPU computing frameworks. While ROCm has gained traction, NVIDIA’s CUDA framework has historically been more widely adopted in the deep learning community.


Driver and Framework Compatibility

The compatibility and stability of AMD GPUs with popular deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch might not have been as mature as those of NVIDIA GPUs. This could lead to more troubleshooting and potential compatibility issues.

Tensor Cores

The Radeon VII lacks dedicated hardware like NVIDIA’s Tensor Cores, which accelerate certain matrix operations often used in deep learning. This might lead to slightly slower performance for specific tasks.

Community Adoption

NVIDIA GPUs have historically been the go-to choice for deep learning, resulting in a larger community of users, more resources, and better support available.

However, the landscape of hardware and software for deep learning evolves rapidly. If you’re considering using the AMD Radeon VII or any other GPU for deep learning, I recommend checking for the most up-to-date information regarding software support, benchmarks, and user experiences to determine whether it aligns with your specific deep learning needs and preferences. 


Other AMD GPUs for Deep Learning

AMD GPUs for Deep Learning

AMD GPUs were making strides in the field of deep learning, although NVIDIA GPUs still dominated due to their established presence and optimized software support. 

However, here are five AMD GPUs that were considered suitable for deep learning tasks based on their specifications and capabilities at that time:

AMD Radeon Instinct MI100

  • Architecture: CDNA
  • Memory: 32GB HBM2
  • Compute Units: 7,680
  • Performance: High computing power and memory bandwidth, making it suitable for deep learning workloads. Designed for data center and professional applications.

AMD Radeon Instinct MI50

  • Architecture: Vega
  • Memory: 16GB HBM2
  • Compute Units: 3,840
  • Performance: Offers a good balance of computing power and memory capacity. Suitable for medium-sized deep learning models and datasets.

AMD Radeon Instinct MI25

  • Architecture: Vega
  • Memory: 16GB HBM2
  • Compute Units: 4,096
  • Performance: Provides decent computing capabilities for deep learning tasks. Well-suited for entry-level deep learning workloads.

AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT

  • Architecture: RDNA 2
  • Memory: 16GB GDDR6
  • Compute Units: 80
  • Performance: While primarily marketed as a gaming GPU, its strong computing capabilities and memory could make it suitable for small to medium-sized deep learning tasks.

AMD Radeon VII

  • Architecture: Vega
  • Memory: 16GB HBM2
  • Compute Units: 60
  • Performance: Despite being more focused on gaming, the Radeon VII’s computing capabilities and memory capacity make it capable of handling certain deep learning workloads.

When considering any GPU for deep learning, it’s important to check for the latest benchmarks, software support, and user experiences to make an informed decision based on your specific requirements and budget. 

Also, remember that while AMD GPUs are good for deep learning and they are becoming more competitive, NVIDIA GPUs still hold a strong presence in the deep learning community due to their optimized software stack and extensive support.


Q: How do AMD GPUs compare to NVIDIA GPUs for deep learning?

A: NVIDIA GPUs have been more popular for deep learning due to their mature CUDA ecosystem and optimized software stack. While AMD GPUs have improved, NVIDIA’s dominance in this field persists.

Q: What software frameworks support AMD GPUs for deep learning?

A: AMD GPUs are supported by frameworks like TensorFlow with ROCm support, PyTorch, and others. However, NVIDIA’s CUDA framework is still more widely adopted in the deep learning community.

Q: Are AMD GPUs compatible with popular deep-learning libraries?

A: Yes, AMD GPUs are compatible with popular deep learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, but certain optimizations might be more prevalent in CUDA-based libraries.

Q: Do AMD GPUs have dedicated hardware for accelerating deep-learning tasks?

A: AMD GPUs, unlike NVIDIA’s Tensor Cores, lack dedicated hardware for deep learning-specific operations. This might lead to slightly slower performance for certain computations.

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